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Workdays from 9:00-17:00

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Our locations


Maaßenstraße 3
10777 Berlin

Mo–Fr 8.30–19.00 Uhr
Sa 9.00–19.00 Uhr

T +49 (0)30 21 63 453
F +49 (0)30 21 72 904


Nollendorfplatz 3–4
10777 Berlin

Mo–Fr 8.30–19.00 Uhr
Sa 9.00–17.00 Uhr

T +49 (0)30 21 28 01 80
F +49 (0)30 21 28 01 818


Motzstraße 20
10777 Berlin

Mo–Fr 8.30–19.00 Uhr
Sa closed

T +49 (0)30 21 47 93 90
F +49 (0)30 21 47 93 91

Order hotline

Our fast and reliable delivery service

Mo–Fr 8.00–18.00 Uhr
Sa 8.00–18.00 Uhr

Our focus areas

Our Team

In our pharmacies, a qualified team of representatives awaits you, ready to assist you competently and reliably.